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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Orogenic Patterns and Stratigraphy of North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho, 1985
Pages 75-82

Salt Detachments in the Jurassic Preuss Redbeds Within the Meade and Crawford Thrust Systems, Idaho and Wyoming

James C. Coogan, W. Adolph Yonkee


A salt interval in the lower part of the Jurassic Preuss Redbeds is a regional detachment surface within parts of the Meade and Crawford thrust systems in southeastern Idaho and western Wyoming. Both the Meade and Crawford thrusts in this area slid for as many as 10 kilometers in the salt interval. Locally it is a detachment surface that bounds tight, disharmonic folds above and below. The detachment is a transfer zone between stratigraphic packages that shortened independently of each other and in different areas.

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