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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Fields Symposium, 1986
Pages 217-231

North Fork and Cellars Ranch Fields, Johnson Co., Wyoming: Examples of Late Permian Tectonism and Resultant Differential Sedimentation - Reply

W. Richard Moore


Abnormally thick Goose Egg redbed and evaporite sections on the west flank of North Fork and Cellars Ranch fields, Johnson Co., Wyoming, are due to Permian tectonism and resultant differential sedimentation, rather than Laramide thrust faulting. Other examples of Permian tectonism in similar lithologies occur on the south flank of the Hartville uplift in southeastern Wyoming, and the Black Hollow field area in Weld County, Colorado. The recognition of significant Permian tectonism is important in the exploration for oil and gas, as Permian hydrocarbons migrated into these areas long before the Laramide orogeny.

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