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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society

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The 1931 eruption of Aniakchak Volcano, Alaska - Abstract

R. S. Nicholson, J. E. Gardner, C. A. Neal

The 2002 Denali Fault earthquake: insights from geophysics - Abstract

Jeff Freymueller, Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Natalia Ratchkovski, Roger Hansen, Hilary Fletcher, Chris Larsen, Alaska Earthquake Information Center staff

The 3 November 2002 M7.9 Denali fault, Alaska earthquake: double difference relocation of aftershocks - Abstract

Travis W. Williams

The 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake: damage to structures and lifelines - Abstract

Trilby Cox, Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Chris Larsen, Steve Estes

Arsenic in Fairbanks area groundwater: krieged distribution versus reality - Abstract

Rainer Newberry

Assessing the influence of clinoform geometry and shoreline position on deposition of sandy turbidites within the Cretaceous Torok Formation, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska - Abstract

C. Kaba, D. Mohrig

Associating the temperature difference model, used for AVHRR and GOES, to the MODIS image from February 19, 2001 of the eruption plume of Mt. Cleveland, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - Abstract

Steve J. Smith

Brookian tectonic–sedimentary nexus, Arctic Alaska - Abstract

David W. Houseknecht

Chemical variations in the waters draining the HI-YU Mine - Abstract

John M. Clark

Controls on fracture distribution and development with relation to detachment folds within the Lisburne Group, northeastern Brooks Range, AK - Abstract

Michael R. Hayes

Coseismic displacements from the 2002 Mw6.7 and Mw7.9 Denali Fault earthquakes measured with GPS - Abstract

Sigrun Hreinsdottir, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Hillary J. Fletcher, Christopher F. Larsen

Dating fine-grained sericite and illite: new ideas in interpretation of 40Ar/39Ar age spectra using sample encapsulation - Abstract

Paul W. Layer, Jeff Drake, Walt Munly

Distribution of Cryoconite on the Surface of a Glacier Derived from a Landsat TM Image - Abstract

Nozomu Takeuchi, Reginald R. Muskett

The ecology of the dinosaurs of Alaska - Abstract

Anthony R. Fiorillo

Eruption Dynamics of the KS1 caldera eruption of Ksudach Volcano, Russia - Abstract

J. E. Gardner, S. Tait, B. J. Andrews, V. Ponomareva, I. V. Melekestsev

Estimation of the amount of eroded section in the partially exhumed Colville Basin of the Alaska North Slope using geophysical logs - Abstract

W. Matthew Burns, Daniel O. Hayba, Elisabeth L. Rowan, David W. Houseknecht

Evidence for an Aeolian Concentration of Crystalline Hematite Deposits Observed within Sinus Meridiani - Abstract

S. E. Pitiss, V. L. Sharpton

Evolution of fractures in a fold-and-thrust belt and the associated deformed foreland basin: an example from the northeastern Brooks Range and the eastern Colville Basin, Alaska - Abstract

Andrea Loveland

Facies architecture and syntectonic fold geometry of fluvial conglomerate in the Cretaceous Nanushuk Formation, Brooks Range foothills, Alaska - Abstract

Emily S. Finzel, Paul J. McCarthy, Wesley K. Wallace, David L. LePain

Frontmatter: Alaska Geological Society 2003 Geology Symposium April 25–26, 2003, Natural Sciences Building, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Paul J. McCarthy, Dave L. LePain

Geohydrology of the Telegraph Hill area, St. Paul Island, Alaska - Abstract

Edward H. Moran, Jim McCaslin Brown

Geology, geochemistry, and new isotopic ages of selected PGE-Ni-Cu bearing, mafic/ultramafic complexes in Alaska-Yukon and Russian Far East regions - Abstract

T. K. Bundtzen, P. W. Layer, E. G. Sidorov

High resolution sequence stratigraphy and geochemistry of Triassic upwelling zone deposits, northern, Alaska: implications for paleoredox conditions and paleoceanography - Abstract

Landon N. Kelly, Michael T. Whalen

The history of hydrocarbon exploration on the Alaskan North Slope: a century of public and privately funded earth science for the common good - Abstract

Charles G. (Gil) Mull

Hydrothermal Attributes of the Union Bay Platinum Prospect - Abstract

Christopher J. Van Treeck, Rainer J. Newberry, Curtis J. Freeman

Implications for the active tectonics of the north-central Alaska Range foothills from bedrock structure and river terraces - Abstract

Sean P. Bemis

A look back at the Great Alaska Earthquake of March 27, 1964 - Abstract

George Plafker

Lowell Point preliminary aquifer investigation, Seward, Alaska - Abstract

Jim McCaslin Brown

Mid to Late Holocene vegetation and paleoclimate evolution of Lake Dood Basin, northern Mongolia, based on palynological Data - Abstract

Yiming Wang, Sarah Fowell

Modeling the Ship Creek ground-water table: comparing areas of low and high permeability, Anchorage Alaska - Abstract

Emily Creely, Jim McCaslin Brown

Moho Topography Beneath the Alaska Range: Results from BEAAR - Abstract

Elizabeth Veenstra, Douglas Christensen

Moment tensors and focal mechanisms of the October-November Denali Fault earthquake sequence - Abstract

Kelly R. Kore, Natalia A. Rachkovski, Roger A. Hansen

Monitoring Cryospheric Processes in Canada with Spaceborne Scatterometer and Passive Microwave Data - Abstract

Frédérique C. Pivot, Claude R. Duguay, Kyle C. McDonald, Anne E. Walker

The Nenana Mountain Magnitude 6.7 earthquake of October 23, 2002 - Abstract

Otina C. Fox, Natalia A. Ratchkovski, Trilby Cox, Roger Hansen, Akihiko Ito

New evidence of historic and prehistoric tsunamis produced by eruptions of Augustine Volcano, Alaska - Abstract

James Beget, Leslie Amberg, Cynthia Gardner

New methods for the study of subglacial till - Abstract

Martin Truffer, William Harrison, Dale Pomraning, Kevin Abnett, Richard Ruhkick

Oral Session Abstracts: Seismic Survey Design Criteria: A Case Study Using Colville Foreland Basin Data - Abstract

James Bogardus

An overview of the 3 November, 2002, Mw 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake, Alaska - Abstract

Peter J. Haeussler

Preliminary analysis on sourcing clay sediments used in pottery production at Kukulik, Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska - Abstract

Diana Jozwik

Progressive fracturing in Late Paleozoic rocks of the northeastern Brooks Range: Implications for conditions of burial, deformation and unroofing in an evolving fold-and-thrust belt - Abstract

C. L. Hanks, W. K. Wallace, T. M. Parris

Remote sensing–GIS based mapping of channel migration in parts of the Colville River, Alaska - Abstract

Sean O’Guinn, Anupma Prakash, Paul McCarthy

Reservoir Characterization Studies: Yukon Flats basin, Alaska - Abstract

R. R. Reifenstuhl

Reservoir characterization study: porosity, permeability, petrography, and facies analysis of Tertiary to Mississippian age outcrop samples, eastcentral Brooks Range Foothills and North Slope, Alaska - Abstract

R. R. Reifenstuhl

Sedimentological analysis of Siberian yedoma - Abstract

Beth Caissie

Sedimentology, petrology, and reservoir quality of the Torok Fm., Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska - Abstract

Russell Kirkham, Dave LePain, Paul McCarthy

Sequence stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Lisburne Group carbonates, northeastern Brooks Range, Northern Alaska - Abstract

Michelle M. McGee, Michael T. Whalen

Surficial geologic map of the Lake Clark and western Kenai quadrangles, Alaska: A work in progress - Abstract

Frederic H. Wilson, Cindi C. Preller

Using Landsat ETM+ data to discriminate volcanic rocks around El’gygytgyn Crater, Siberia - Abstract

Cynthia G. Peters, Virgil L. Sharpton

The ~400 yr B.P. caldera-forming eruption Half Cone Volcano, Aniakchak Caldera, Alaska - Abstract

B. L. Browne, J. E. Gardner, C. A. Neal, R. Nicholson

‘Slab’ XRF: a quick and not-so-dirty method for estimating compositions of fine-grained rocks - Abstract

S. A. Hicks, K. K. Jensen, R. J. Newberry