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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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Amadeus Basin’s H2 Geo-Storage Capacity

C. Loyola, K. Amrouch, M. Bunch

Base Metal Mineralisation of the Rover Field, Northern Territory

Farias P, Whelan J, Reno B, Cross A, Huston D, Maas R, Mernagh T, Danyushevsky L

Borehole Image Features Map Depositional Environment Change in Mesoproterozoic Deltas: Insights from the Beetaloo Sub-Basin

Andrew Wilson, Alexander Côté, Brenton Richards, Carl Altmann

The Camooweal Seismic Survey Extends the Known Carrara Sub-Basin Sedimentary Packages

Grace Butcher, Chris Southby, Lidena Carr, Tanya Fomin, Sally Edwards, Alison Troup, Chris Carson, Adam Bailey, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Paul Henson

Combining the Strength of Petroleum and Mineral System Knowledge to Advance Exploration within the Critical Mineral Space

BA Camac, C Krapf, A Fabris

Exploring for the Future – Officer-Musgrave Project Update

L. K. Carr, P. Henson, L. Wang, A. Bailey, T. Fomin, C. Boreham, D. Edwards, C. Southby, N. Symington, M. Smith, L. Halas, T. Jones

Geothermal Parameters of in situ Rb–Sr Dating on Proterozoic Shales and Its Applications

Darwinaji Subarkah, Angus L. Nixon, Monica Jimenez, Alan S. Collins, Morgan L. Blades, Juraj Farkas, Sarah E. Gilbert, Simon Holford

The Hidden Proterozoic Successions of the Barkly Region

Chris Southby, Nadege Rollet, Chris Carson, Lidena Carr, Paul Henson, Grace Butcher, Tanya Fomin, Ross Costelloe, Michael Doublier, Dorothy Close

In Situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin

C Loyola, J Farkas, C Verdel, S Gilbert, L Holmes, E Hissey, S Loehr, G Brock, G Shields, C Edgoose, A Redaa, ML Blades, AS Collins

Low-Temperature Thermal History of the McArthur Basin: Influence of the Cambrian Kalkarindji Large Igneous Province on Hydrocarbon Maturation

Angus L. Nixon, Stijn Glorie, Derrick Hasterok, Alan S. Collins, Nicholas Fernie, Geof Fraser

The Lucas Outlier: A Western Australian Update

LS Normore, PW Haines, MTD Wingate, LM Dent, IOH Fielding, Y Lu

Natural Hydrogen and Helium Gas Exploration in the Amadeus Basin

Lance Holmes, Sandra Menpes, Matt Densley

New Metal Isotope Techniques to Explore Past Depositional Environments of the Centralian Superbasin, Australia

Juraj Farkas, Alan Collins, Stefan Löhr, Charles Verdel, Morgan Blades, Chris Holmden, Susanne Schmid, Yuexiao Shao, Darwinaji Subarkah, Robert Klaebe, Shaun Yardley

On the Origin of Quartz in the Velkerri Fm: Implications for Exploration and Production in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin and the Si Cycle in the Mesoproterozoic

Claudio Delle Piane, Kitty L. Milliken, Vincent Crombez, Laure Martin, William Rickard

Oodjuongari – A Possible Impact Crater in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin

John D. Gorter, Brent Jackson, Peter W. Haines

Possible Late Mesoproterozoic or Earliest Neoproterozoic Glacial Deposits, Beetaloo Sub-Basin, Northern Territory

John D. Gorter, Darren Ferdinando

The Proterozoic Greater McArthur Basin – New Ways of Looking at a Frontier Resource-Rich Basin

A. S. Collins, M. L. Blades, J. Farkaš, D. Subarkah, A. Nixon, S. Glorie, B. Yang, S. Holford, R. King, C. Spandler, S. Gilbert, A. Deepak, J. Soares, Y. Madavan, A. Jarrett, T. Munson, X. Cao, N. Flament, D. Hasterok, R. D. Müller, S. Pisarevsky, Sanzhong Li, R. Frei

Quick-Look Core-Logging, a Cost-Effective Way to Develop a Regional Depositional Model, Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin

C. Cubitt, Rob Kirk, Sharon Tiainen

Understanding the Interplay between Basin Architecture, Depositional Environments and Sediment Pathways in the Cooper Basin

Carmine C Wainman, Peter J McCabe